What CIS Build KitsĀ® are available?

What CIS Build KitsĀ® are available?

Product Name

CIS Build KitsĀ®

Product Version

All versions


Sep 12, 2022



I would like a comprehensive list of every CIS Build KitĀ® available.



There are many flavors of OS Build Kits available through WorkBench to our CIS SecureSuiteĀ® Members.

To see which build kits are currently available you can navigate to the Download section of WorkBench and search the keywords ā€œBuild Kitā€, use the Build Kit tag available, and/ or search for ā€œRemediation Kitā€ (as the CIS Build Kits were previously called). The Build Kit Tag alone returns roughly 6 pages of content.

However, here is a global list of Benchmarks with Build Kits associated with them. Some are newer and some might have multiple Build Kit versions available: CIS SecureSuiteĀ® Build Kit Content


In order to access the full catalog of SecureSuiteĀ® Member CIS Build Kits, you (or your Organization) will need a SecureSuiteĀ® Membership.
For more information about becoming one of CIS' SecureSuiteĀ® Members with access to the full Suite of CIS products, please email learn@cisecurity.org or see our SecureSuiteĀ® Membership page.


Copyright Ā© 2021

Center for Internet SecurityĀ®


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