Can we use OpenSSH 8.0+ servers?
Can we use OpenSSH 8.0+ servers?
Product Name
CIS-CAT Pro Assessor
Product Version
Jan 5, 2022
Can you please confirm whether CIS CAT SSH remote scans are expected to work with RHEL 8 and equivalent hosts which use OpenSSH 8.0+ servers
CIS-CAT Pro Assessor can use SSH for remote connections with RHEL 8 and equivalent hosts, please review the following information relative to SSH: Setting up ssh keys for remote CIS-CAT assessment
At the moment, we officially support versions of OpenSSH 7. We are in the process of updating our SSH library (jsch) which would be compatible with future OpenSSH releases.
Currently there is not an exact timeline for this update. Keeping an eye on future CIS-CAT Pro Assessor Change Logs will let you know when this has been implemented.
Keywords; openssh
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