What logging options are available in CSAT Pro?

What logging options are available in CSAT Pro?

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Mar 29, 2022


My organization needs to ensure that certain logging options are available for CSAT Pro.


There are four logging options, depending on the type of event. The four types of available logs are:

  1. Application level - These events are logged in the csat log text file and covers things like application startup, etc. It should be located at (initial installation directory)\CSAT_Pro\logs

  2. Organization History log - https://csat.readthedocs.io/en/latest/source/csat_pro_user_guide/#organization-history-section

  3. Assessment Event log - https://csat.readthedocs.io/en/latest/source/csat_pro_user_guide/#event-log

  4. Safeguard History - https://csat.readthedocs.io/en/latest/source/csat_pro_user_guide/#safeguard-view-sub-control-view-task-view


Information such as when a user logs in, login failures, password resets, etc. is not currently available in CSAT Pro. Also, there is currently no ability to adjust log verbosity. Expanding the available logging information is a Feature Enhancement Request that we are considering for possible future updates to CSAT Pro.

Keywords; csat pro log options

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