How to fix NullPointerException

How to fix NullPointerException

Product Name

CIS-CAT Pro Assessor v4

Product Version



May 3, 2023


I am unable to perform a Linux assessment. CIS-CAT crashes with a java NullPointerException, right after starting an assessment.

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method tokenize() on null object


Eject/unmount any disks before you start. We most frequently see this occur if the host system has a physical or virtual CD/DVD mounted that includes spaces in the mount path (such as a VMWare Tools ISO, or an OS installation disc), or from unsupported special characters in file system paths (which may be valid for the filesystem itself, but can cause issues when parsed by CIS-CAT Pro Assessor).

The screenshot below shows that an ISO installation disk is still mounted on the target system using the /usr/bin/df -TP command:

Once itā€™s ejected, the scan will complete:

To check your mounted media, run /usr/bin/df -TP

Keywords; Ubuntu Linux VM NullPointerException

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