Are MacOS Benchmarks Backwards Compatible?

Are MacOS Benchmarks Backwards Compatible?

Product Name

CIS Benchmark™

Product Version



Jul 19, 2023



Are Mac Benchmarks are backward compatible like the Windows 10 benchmarks? If we have a variety of Macs in our environment could we use the Ventura Benchmark to capture all Macs or would we need to know what Macs are present and run a benchmark according to that system version?



The MacOS Benchmarks are not backwards compatible because they are completely different OSes. If you want to test older versions of macOS then you would need to use those older version benchmarks. While there is some consistency between full OS releases, recommendations are always changing and things are being added.

Plus, we support back to 10.13 with assessor content, so the last 7 years of macOS releases are on workbench. If you want to check 14.0 Sonoma, then the 13.0 Ventura benchmark is the best one to use until we release the benchmark for it.

Keywords; Mac Macos backwards compatible

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