Where do I put my Product License to unlock the full capabilities of CIS-CAT Pro Assessor, CIS-CAT Pro Dashboard, and CIS-CSAT Pro ?

Where do I put my Product License to unlock the full capabilities of CIS-CAT Pro Assessor, CIS-CAT Pro Dashboard, and CIS-CSAT Pro ?

Product Name

CIS-CAT Pro Assessor


CIS-CAT Pro Dashboard

Product Version

Assessor v4.35.0+

CIS-CSAT Pro v1.13.0+

CIS-CAT Pro Dashboard v3.3.0+


Nov 17, 2023



I downloaded my SecureSuite Product License from WorkBench but I am still unable to use the Pro version of the tools


  1. Navigate to your SecureSuite Organization on WorkBench

  2. Locate the License tab

  3. Download and Unzip the “CIS-SecureSuite-Product-License.zip”

  4. Unzip downloaded file and use the 1 license.xml file per tool, following the instructions outlined in the

    1. CSAT Pro Guide

    2. CIS-CAT Pro Assessor Guide

    3. CIS-CAT Pro Dashboard Guide

  5. This will unlock the full Assessor, Dashboard, and CSAT Capabilities.

Please note: Prior License format contained 5 files, the new licensing format contains 1 file


For additional information related to the updated licensing format, please refer to The New SecureSuite License Format and New SecureSuite License Format FAQs articles