How to add participants to a Support Ticket

Sometimes clients need the ability to share the content of a ticket with another member of their, or another, organization. There are 2 methods of doing so, based on the client’s communication method.

Instructions for users who can access their ticket via their Support Portal

  1. Navigate to the ticket opened via portal:

    1. ex.

  2. On the right there are several options, navigate to the ‘Shared With’ rubric

  3. Click +Share

  4. Add the email[s] of other the participants you would like to have access to the ticket. Please be reasonable with the number of requested participants.

Adding multiple users to the email category when opening the ticket will lead to no one getting the ticket’s responses.

how to add users to an existing support ticket 4.PNG
  1. To verify participants have been added, please make a comment within the ticket and the CIS Product Support Triage person will verify which users have, or have not, been associated with the ticket.

Instructions for users who can’t access their ticket via their Support Portal

Sometimes clients choose to communicate exclsuivly over email or do not wish to make a Jira account in order to track tickets. In these instances it’s a little more work to get a participant added as the requested participant must already have an account in service desk [i.e. they have previously opened any kind of Support ticket]. If they have not:

  1. The reporter/ client who opened the ticket will need to ask in the body of the ticket to have a participant added to the ticket and provide the email[s] for this/ these user[s].

  2. Has the requested user previously opened a ticket?

    1. This means the desired user is already in our system and we can easily add the desired participant to the ticket!

  3. The requested user has not previously opened a ticket.

    1. The client who opened the original ticket must ask the desired participant to open a ticket themselves.

      1. We generally ask that the requested participant open a ticket and simply state “please add me as a participant to support ticket ##### opened by whomever, for whatever topic.”

    2. Once the CIS Product Support Specialist handling your ticket opens the ‘add participant’ ticket they will add participant and upon success all added end-users will be able to track the process/ participate.



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