Backing up & restoring the CIS-CAT Pro Dashboard v3 Database

Product Name

CIS-CAT Pro Dashboard

Product Version



Aug 21, 2024


The CIS-CAT Pro Dashboard v3 MariaDB database and its contents (imported assessment results, tags, exceptions, user accounts) needs to be backed up and then restored at a later time, either to the existing or a new Dashboard instance of the same version.


Restoring a database backup will overwrite the existing contents of the Dashboard database.
Please proceed with caution when performing this operation.


It is recommended to use cmd.exe rather than PowerShell for the below operations, as PowerShell may change the formatting of the generated .sql file.

Windows Backup

  • Open services.msc

    • Stop the CCPD_Windows service

    • Ensure the MariaDB service is running

  • Launch an administrative cmd.exe prompt

  • Back up the existing databases to a single file:

    mariadb-dump -u root -p -x -A > C:\ccpdbackup\ccpd_db.sql

    Note: The destination directory (C:\ccpdbackup\ for example) needs to be an already existing folder.

    • -u root -p: Use the root user and supply the MariaDB password when prompted

    • -x: Lock all tables during this operation

    • -A: Export all databases to the file

  • Open services.msc and start the CCPD_Windows service to resume Dashboard again

Windows Restore

  • Open services.msc

    • Stop the CCPD_Windows service

    • Ensure the MariaDB service is running

  • Launch an administrative cmd.exe prompt

  • Restore the previously created backup from the .sql file:

    mariadb -u root -p < C:\ccpdbackup\ccpd_db.sql
  • Open services.msc and start the CCPD_Windows service. The backed up database contents should now appear in the current Dashboard deployment once the application startup completes.

Ubuntu 20.04

Ubuntu Backup

  • Stop the Dashboard service:
    sudo systemctl stop CIS-CAT_Pro_Dashboard

  • Ensure the MariaDB service is running:
    sudo systemctl start mariadb

  • Back up the existing databases to a single file:

    mariadb-dump -u root -p -x -A > /home/user/ccpd_db.sql

    Note: The destination directory (/home/user for example) needs to be an already existing folder.

    • -u root -p: Use the root user and supply the MariaDB password when prompted

    • -x: Lock all tables during this operation

    • -A: Export all databases to the file

  • Start the Dashboard service to resume the application:
    sudo systemctl start CIS-CAT_Pro_Dashboard

Ubuntu Restore

  • Stop the Dashboard service:
    sudo systemctl stop CIS-CAT_Pro_Dashboard

  • Ensure the MariaDB service is running:
    sudo systemctl start mariadb

  • Restore the previously created backup from the .sql file:

  • Start the Dashboard service:
    sudo systemctl start CIS-CAT_Pro_Dashboard
    The backed up database contents should now appear in the current Dashboard deployment once the application startup completes.

Keywords; ccpd dashboard database backup restore mariadb

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