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Product Name

CIS-CAT Pro Assessor

Product Version

Linux version 4.27.0+


22 Mar



Why am I seeing an Error related to my JRE when I select Java in the Linux version of CIS-CAT Pro Assessor with the Java [jre] included, even after the correct permissions have been recursively applied to the /jre directory?

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At this time the imbedded Java which is packaged with the Linux CIS-CAT Pro Assessor 4.27.0+ download is not compatible with the MacOS.

To resolve this error please:

  1. Go back Navigate to the WorkBench Downloads and downloaded the Bundle for CIS-CAT Pro Assessor Bundle and select Linux> No without GUI> No without Java

    Image Added

  2. Completely remove the old/existing /Assessor directory completely and replaced it with the new unpacked .zip which contains no jre directory

    1. Before removing this directory and replacing it, you will be unable to use CIS-CAT Pro Assessor v4.27.0+ with either version of Java 8 or 11 downloaded from Adaptium. By design, it will always default to the JRE directory.

    2. Even if you run a chmod -R 777 to completely open up every single permission on the /jre and /Assessor directories you will still not be able to run the Assessment.

  3. After removing and replacing the correct Assessor bundle you can run a similar scan through the interactive steps (-i) and successfully produced an HTML (-html) report, verbose logs (--info), and a score:

    Code Block
    Assessor %:~$ sudo sh -i -html --info
    This worked. I then flipped over to the version 11 using these directions from a 3rd party site, please proceed with caution: successfully ran the same command above and produced a score, report, and logs.
  4. Once the directory containing /jre was is removed and replaced everything was able to advance as anticipated.

When you have a moment, could you please:

  1. Remove any vestiges of the old /Assessor directory

  2. Navigate back to WorkBench and download the Bundle for Linux> No GUI> No Java

  3. Unzip into the desired location with the correct permissions and add the license files to the /license directory

  4. Return to Terminal and attempt to run a command similar to the one noted above and let me know if this changes the ability to use Assessor in your MacOS environment!

Thank you again for your patience. I will be out of the office for the afternoon as my father is very sick and I visit him on Tuesdays. If you are unable to resolve using the steps above, please let me know and I will see if we can set-up a WebEx and we can walk through the steps together and see if there is a reason on your end, or with the tool itself, which is stopping this scan from advancing.

I look forward to your response!t information

  1. with the “without Java” Bundle you should now be able to successfully launch Assessor over Terminal and run a scan.

Keywords; Assessor v4.27.0 JRE Linux Mac MacOS

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