Can you provide more details on the information that is logged by MDBR?

The timestamp for the DNS request, the location it comes from (including the NAT IP address of the internet connection), the category and classification of the event, and the domain requested is the only data logged. MDBR does not provide a mechanism for determining which specific machine on a network generated a malicious request. As such, MDBR will not identify specific users as a standalone solution.

Are only malicious requests or all requests logged?

  • The total number of DNS requests is tracked; however, the details described above are logged only for malicious requests.

Who has access to the logging information?

  • Members of the CIS staff with Akamai portal access and Akamai technical staff have access to the reporting features.

How long are logs kept?

  • Logs are retained in the Akamai platform for 30 days. CIS has access to download data from Akamai.

Where can I find more information on logged data?