MS-ISAC Contact Levels

Authorized Decision Making Roles

Primary Contact - Authorized Decision Maker for Account additions and Changes + Public Information + MS-ISAC Member Publications + Organization-specific Notifications + HSIN account to MS-ISAC & NCCIC (National Cybersecurity & Communications Integration Center)’s Communities of Interest.


Secondary Contact - Backup Decision Maker for Account additions and Changes (when the primary contact us unavailable) + Public Information + MS-ISAC Member Publications + Organization-specific Notifications + HSIN account to MS-ISAC & NCCIC (National Cybersecurity & Communications Integration Center)’s Communities of Interest.

Standard Contact Levels

Level 1 - Public Information
Cyber Advisories and Monthly Newsletters.

Level 2 - Public Information + MS-ISAC Member Publications
Member publications include general awareness information such as our Weekly Top Attacking IPs & Domain List.

Level 3 - Public Information + MS-ISAC Publications + Organization-specific Notifications
These notifications are specific to your organization and are sent solely to designated persons.

Level 4 - Public Information + MS-ISAC Member Publications + Organization-specific Notifications + HSIN account to MS-ISAC & NCCIC (National Cybersecurity & Communications Integration Center)’s Communities of Interest.