What is included in the CIS Endpoint Security Services?

What is included in the CIS Endpoint Security Services?

CIS Endpoint Security Services (ESS) offers Managed Detection & Response (MDR) solutions that provide U.S. State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial (SLTT) organizations with a full-time cybersecurity defense partner in the CIS Security Operations Center (SOC). As a function of our MDR solution, the CIS SOC offers continuous monitoring and management, including analyzing malicious activity and escalating actionable threats to the affected SLTT organization. The CIS SOC runs continuous operations 24x7x365 and is able to monitor SLTT endpoints even when an organization’s cybersecurity staff is not. The CIS SOC has one of the most complete data sets in the industry related to threats facing SLTT organizations, including non-public known threats, so SLTTs using CIS ESS benefit from a service specifically tailored for them.

The CIS ESS offering includes several modules that are installed into the endpoints as requested by the member. They are as follows:

Prevent: Next Generation Antivirus (NGAV)
Insight: Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR)
Discover: Asset and software inventory
Device Control: USB device monitoring
Firewall Control: Host-based firewall management
Additionally, CIS ESS provides access to a management portal that provides real-time view of detections triggered in your environment, information about sensors, asset inventories, user access monitoring, and more data.

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