Password incorrect for Admin user after applying Server2012R2v2.4.0 Build Kit MS-L. I need help restoring access to this server

Product Name

CIS Build Kits

Product Version



Dec 13, 2022


I installed the CIS Server2012R2v2.4.0 Build Kit, specifically MS-L1 and made adjustments as per the documentation before restarting. Now the server says password is incorrect. The password hasn't changed and the same password works on a server that it was cloned from.



  1. Log-in with your original password, but use the following new Admin user name: CISADMIN

  2. Rationale:

This setting pops up in the .inf file contained in C:\\……\Server2012R2v2.4.0\MS-L1{E09AED59-2CD7-4039-8CFE-B2ECD0FB0A02}\DomainSysvol\GPO\Machine\microsoft\windows nt\SecEdit

NewAdministratorName = "CISADMIN"


Are you applying these GPOs to a stand-alone or Cloud-based system? The CIS Build Kits are not specifically intended for those 2 types of systems and can cause errors when being applied to stand-alone* or Cloud-based systems.

*As of August 2022 CIS now offers the “Microsoft Windows 10 Stand-alone Benchmark v1.0.1” and associated Build Kit.

Adjustments/tailoring to the benchmark recommendations can be done a number of ways including Local Group Policy Editor, Group Policy Management Console on Windows Server (GPMC), and Microsoft's Local Group Policy Object tool (LGPO).

Keywords; Build-Kit

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