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CIS SecureSuite® Account Question
CIS Security Best Practice Products
Quick Start Guides
CIS Benchmarks™
CIS Build Kits
Microsoft Intune for Windows 10 and Windows 11 Benchmark Build Kits
Is there documentation that can be referred to while customizing the CIS Build Kits®?
What CIS Build Kits® are available?
Our Cloud Servers are not domain joined, can we still use the CIS Build Kits®?
Microsoft Office restrictions after applying CIS Build Kit for Windows.
Password incorrect for Admin user after applying Server2012R2v2.4.0 Build Kit MS-L. I need help restoring access to this server
Rollback scripts for the automated remediation using CIS Build Kits
Build Kit Trouble
Enabling RDP when applying a CIS Windows Build Kit
I am seeing "extra registry" settings from the CIS build Kit for Windows. What is this?
GPO Policy Grayed Out
How to run a remote CIS-CAT assessment after applying a L1 Windows Build Kit
Can CIS Build Kits (previously Remediation kits) be edited?
How to exclude recommendations from being applied in a CIS Build Kit for Linux environments
I would like to update existing GPOs from a Windows Build Kit to align with the newest Benchmark release
Certain Linux Build Kits fail to execute with error " [...] not a valid identifier"
When I import the GPO from the CIS Build kit, it fails or is empty
How to apply RHEL Build Kit to Cloud Image
Extra Registry Settings in Windows Benchmarks
Do I have to use OS specific Build Kits and Benchmarks or can I apply any CIS Windows Server Build Kit or Benchmark to any Microsoft Windows Server version?
Unable to Run Assessor from a USB after applying Windows Build Kit
Printer Issues After Applying CIS Build Kit
Linux Build Kit Error: Output code not set
Golden Images based on CIS Build Kits are receiving SysPrep error or similar
Incorrect Registry Key in some Windows ADMX/ADML Templates
Microsoft Windows Related CIS Benchmarks
Tailoring Benchmarks, XCCDF & OVAL content
Contributing to Benchmark Development
Questions or Feedback Regarding CIS Benchmarks
Using the CIS Microsoft Intune for Office Benchmark Build Kit
Are CIS Benchmark™ recommendations associated with a severity rating (high, medium, low)?
Do “STIG Benchmark” and “CIS Benchmark – Level X” relate to the FISMA scale?
What is the numbering convention for CIS Benchmarks?
What do the terms "Manual" and "Automated" mean in the CIS Benchmarks? Are "scored" and "unscored" no longer used?
Why are "automated" and "manual" listed in a benchmark that is not supported by CIS CAT?
How do CIS Controls relate to the CIS Benchmarks?
Is there a way to compare changes between Benchmark older and newer versions?
Why do recommendation numbers change in new Benchmark versions?
Draft Benchmark FAQ
Administrative Templates Section on CIS-CAT Report
Why can't I locate the CIS Benchmarks for IBM AIX 4.3-5.1 and IBM AIX 5.3 - 6.1?
Certain Fedora 28 based Linux 8 Benchmarks show potential false passes or false failures when running CIS-CAT Pro Assessor v4.x.x+
Certain Fedora 19 based Linux 7 Benchmarks show potential false passes or false failures when running CIS-CAT Pro Assessor v4.x.x+
Are MacOS Benchmarks Backwards Compatible?
Identifying which CIS Benchmarks are available & supported in Assessor
Applying Both Windows Intune and Enterprise Benchmarks
CIS Critical Security Controls®
CIS Hardened Images®
CIS WorkBench
Vendor Tool Certification
Smartsheet Gallery
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SBP Customer Facing Knowledge Base
CIS Build Kits
CIS Build Kits
Chris Boldiston
Amanda McGown
Owned by
Chris Boldiston
Last updated:
Sept 29, 2021
Amanda McGown
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