Golden Images based on CIS Build Kits are receiving SysPrep error or similar
Product Name
CIS Build Kit
Product Version
All Linux and Windows
Jun 12, 2024
I have successfully applied a CIS Build Kit, tested the Build Kit-hardened system to my satisfaction, and now I would like to create a Golden Image off this system, but I am having some problems.
At this time CIS is able to support the use of CIS Build Kits from download through successful application and system hardening. After the Build Kit has been satisfactorily applied, testing has been completed, and the hardened system has been taken into production CIS is no longer able to assist.
Certain CIS Build Kit Recommendations may conflict with the Imaging process. CIS does not test our Build Kits with VirtualBox, Smart Deploy, Intune, or any Imaging software.
Keywords; Build Kit Golden Image
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