Is it possible to reject or delete an exception that has already been approved in CIS-CAT Pro Dashboard ?

Product Name

CIS-CAT Pro Dashboard

Product Version



Jan 17, 2024


I want to delete an approved exception in the dashboard



At this time it is not a possible to delete the approved exceptions. However, Exceptions where the start date = end date have no effect on the configuration score.

If you no longer want an exception to apply to this specific benchmark, the end date needs to initially be set when you create the exception. Once you apply an end date, you can’t change it. For example, if you set the end date for the exception to 12/01/23, this exception will not apply to reports generated after 12/01/23. 

In regards to changing the end date for the exception, if you have not set one already, please navigate to rule level to edit it. To do this, please:

  1. Navigate to the Security Configuration Assessment Results page,

  2. Select the Results View tab

  3. then drill down to where the exception is located within the specific benchmark you ran the assessment for, in the rule level.

  4. This is where you will be able to edit the end date. Please review the screenshot below.


Keywords; exception exceptions list dashboard

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