How to run a Historical Self Assessment with CSAT

Product Name

CIS CSAT (Controls Self Assessment Tool)

Product Version



May 27, 2021



I want to enter a historical self-assessment and answer questions as they would have been before we started to make improvements to show our progress. How can I enter an assessment in the past?



  1. Export the current report by downloading the "Control Summary Report" (excel file) under the Reports tab

  2. Go to the CSAT Dashboard

  3. On the top right-hand side of the page, click on your assessment name(in green)

  4. Under "End Current Assessment" select "Start New Blank Assessment"

  5. Enter in the historical information

  6. When finished with the historical assessment, repeat step one

  7. To go back to your old report, go to "End Current Assessment" and select "Start New Assessment Using File Upload"

  8. Select the original assessment excel file that you originally exported and pick up where you left off on your old assessment

You will not be able to backdate the assessment.

Keywords; CSAT New self-assessment Controls progress improve

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