Diagnostic / debug information to troubleshoot CIS-CAT Pro Assessor v4 issues.

Diagnostic / debug information to troubleshoot CIS-CAT Pro Assessor v4 issues.

Product Name

CIS-CAT Pro Assessor

Product Version



Apr 5, 2021


I need to contact support, what files should I attach to my Support Ticket?


If you are running the assessment from a CLI, add --info to the end of your command when running a scan to generate verbose logs.

If you are running the assessment from the GUI, set the logging level to include INFO (the third option) to generate verbose logs:


Compress the verbose logs and send the following config and log files:

Please remove or rename existing log files, rerun a fresh scan, and attach the following files to ticket:

Local Assessment

  1. Assessor-CLI & Assessor GUI log files from the “/logs” directory

    1. Location: /logs/assessor-cli.log 

  2. Command line output

    1. GUI Location: /logs/GUI_console_logs/batchlog

    2. CLI: Please screenshot the command line output or if it is large, please copy/ paste and send it as a text attachment.

  3. Assessor-CLI.bat/.sh [If modified in any manner]

  4. assessor-cli.properties

Remote Assessment

  1. Assessor log files from logs/directory

    1. Location: /logs/assessor-cli.log 

  2. Command line output

    1. GUI Location: /logs/GUI_console_logs/batchlog

    2. CLI: Please screenshot the command line output or if it is large, please copy/ paste and send it as a text attachment.

  3. sessions.properties

  4. Assessor-CLI.bat/.sh [If modified in any manner]

Centralized Assessment

In your cis-cat-centralized.bat/.sh or the cis-cat-centralized-ccpd.bat/.sh file add --info to the following setting SET CISCAT_OPTS=-nrf -ui. Then rerun the scan and compress and send the following config and log files:

  1. cis-cat-centralized.bat/.sh or cis-cat-centralized-ccpd.bat/.sh

  2. Assessor log files from logs/directory

    1. GUI console logs

      1. Location: /logs/GUI_console_logs/batchlog

    2. assessor-cli.log

      1. Location: /logs/assessor-cli.log 

  3. Screenshot of Command line output for CLI

Example file locations:



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