Diagnostic/Debug information to troubleshoot CIS-CAT Pro Dashboard v3 installation issues on Windows systems

Product Name

CIS-CAT Pro Dashboard

Product Version



Jan 19, 2023


These are the steps to gather diagnostic information to help troubleshoot CIS-CAT Pro Dashboard v3 installation issues.


For a Windows system, please compress and attach the following to your ticket:

  1. From the CIS-CAT Pro Dashboard Installer screen, click on the ā€œInstaller Logsā€ button to open the ā€œTempā€ folder that contains the installer log. It is named i4j_log_CCPD_[20 digit number].

Click on the ā€œInstaller logsā€ button at the bottom:

The Administratorā€™s local temp directory will pop up and it contains the installer log, as seen below:

2. The ciscatpro.log file from the \(Dashboard v3 install directory)\CCPD\logs\ccpdlogs directory.

The default Dashboard v3 install directory is \Program Files

3. The \[hostname].err file (where [hostname] is the system name running the app) from the \(Dashboard 3 install directory)\CCPD\mariaDB\server directory.


Send the following files:

  1. i4j_log_CCPD_[20 digit number]

  2. ciscatpro.log

  3. \[hostname].err

Keywords; Dashboard v3 installation windows

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