Assessing New Targets from Dashboard v3

Assessing New Targets from Dashboard v3

Product Name

CIS-CAT Pro Dashboard

Product Version



Dec 15, 2022



On a CIS-CAT Pro Dashboard v3 installation with no Target Systems already present, there is no option to start an Assessment for a new host.


Create a temporary placeholder Target System as follows:


Navigate to “Target Systems” → “List”.

Select the “+ Add Target System” button.

In the dialog window prompting for the Target Primary ID, enter a placeholder name (such as “temp”) and then select the “Add Target System” button.

You can also enter the hostname of the intended target system directly; if the chosen Target Primary ID deviates from the value collected by the scan, a new Target System entry containing the assessment results will be created once the scan completes.

Using a placeholder name may help differentiate these Target Systems in case the entered ID and actual ID happen to be similar, but are not an exact match (for example, you enter ubuntu-2004 and the scan results identify the system as ubuntu_2004).


Click on the newly created Target System from the list and select the “Assess” button in the top right.

Enter the required connection information. For a detailed description of each field value, please refer to the CIS-CAT Pro Dashboard User Guide:
https://ciscat-pro-dashboard.docs.cisecurity.org/en/stable/source/Dashboard User's Guide/#assess-a-target-system

Select “Start Assessment” to initiate the scan.


Once the scan completes (its progress can be checked under “Reports” → “Job Status”), an entry for this system with its actual name will now be present under “Target Systems” → “List” containing the assessment results.

You can then either delete the “temp” entry, or leave it in place to launch future assessments for new hosts.


Keywords; dashboard assessments

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