How to Restrict Access to a Tailored Benchmark

How to Restrict Access to a Tailored Benchmark

Product Name

CIS Benchmark™

Product Version



Apr 19, 2022



I noticed others in my Organization can edit and disturb my tailored Benchmark, which I want to prohibit. Can I change the permissions on my Benchmark?



Go to the Benchmark you would like to modify permissions on.

On the benchmark, click on the ... in the upper buttons and select Access Control.

Only users accounts with the Owner role for a benchmark are able to reach the Access Control page for the Benchmark

On the Access Control page, in the User/Group box, start typing the name of the company and select it from the drop down. Then in the role box next to it, select the role of 'Community Member'. That will restrict everyone in the company to view only.

In the list of Permissions, you will now see two rows for the company. Click the trash can next to the one that gives `Benchmark Editor' Permissions. That will remove permissions from everyone in the company to edit permissions, leaving them with only read only.

Lastly, add individuals who should be able to edit the benchmark. Select the user in the same drop down you used to select the company, and select the role of Benchmark Editor

Keywords; Benchmark permission

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