CIS WorkBench Account Policies Update

CIS WorkBench Account Policies Update

Product Name

CIS WorkBench

Product Version



Nov 1, 2022

Below are some recent updates to CIS Workbench Account Policies


  1. Browser sessions will be locked after 60 minutes of inactivity.

  2. CIS Workbench accounts owners will be notified by email of pending suspension after 60 days of inactivity.

    1. Log into CIS WorkBench within 30 days of the notification

  3. CIS Workbench accounts will be suspended after 90 days of inactivity.

    1. To re-enable the suspended account, follow the CIS WorkBench “Forgot Your Password” link to revalidate your email address and force a password change.

    2. If you have the Company Manager permission in WorkBench you will need to also contact your CIS Account Manager for them to re-enable that permission.

  4. Password requirements.

    1. Must be at least 14 characters

    2. Must contain at least 1 symbol, 1 number, 1 uppercase, and 1 lowercase character.

    3. Must be changed at least every 60 days.

    4. New passwords cannot match any of the last 5 used passwords or fail a common bad password check.

  5. Username requirements for new accounts:

    1. The username has to be unique and cannot be in use by CIS WorkBench

    2. The username has to be more than 3 characters and less than 30 characters

    3. The username can only contain letters, numbers, dashes, periods, or underscores.

      1. No other symbols will be accepted.

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Center for Internet Security®


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