Getting Unknown Results on ESXi Assessment
Product Name
CIS-CAT Pro Assessor v4
Product Version
Nov 20, 2024
My ESXi assessment completes, but with a lot of unknowns. How can I fix this?
This is caused by the requirements not being met for an ESXi scan or PowerCLI not being detected on the system. First, make sure the below requirements have been met:
PowerShell installed
VMware.VimAutomation.Core module required as cmdlets for managing vSphere are needed
In the assessor-cli.log, search for
Warning: VMware.VimAutomation.Core might not be imported, please check
. If there is an occurrence, VMware.VimAutomation.Core module needs to be installed.
LanguageMode not configured to ConstrainedLanguage
PowerCLI 6.5.1+ installed
Assessed machine is a Microsoft Windows OS
If the above requirements have been met and the issue is still present, the next step is to confirm the hasPowerCLI.ps1 script can be successfully run. The PowerShell Execution policy can prevent the hasPowerCLI.ps1 from running do to it being unsigned. To work around this follow the below steps:
Unzip the Assessor/scripts/ file.
Run the command below to change the Execution Policy setting for the current PowerShell session:
Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
If this error occurs, the Execution Policy needs to be changed at the GPO level:
After successfully setting the PowerShell Execution Policy to allow unsigned scripts, run the hasPowerCLI.ps1 script found in unzipped Assessor/scripts folder. It should return output similar to the below:
Once the hasPowerCLI.ps1 script can be executed, re-run the assessment.
The guides below may be helpful in improving the assessment results:
Keywords; ESXi unknown
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