WinRM troubleshooting for remote CIS-CAT Pro assessment of a Windows target system

Product Name

CIS-CAT Pro Assessor v4

Product Version



Aug 14, 2020



How can I do a CIS-CAT Pro Assessor remote assessment of a Windows target using WinRM?



  • These should only be run on a test or development system to help understand the requirements for CIS-CAT remote assessment

  • To simplify that process this is assuming an unencrypted connection and the firewall may need to be disabled. In the CIS-CAT \config\ file ensure the port is set to 5985

  • Once you have used these steps to troubleshoot the connection adjust the WimRM security settings for your environment


  1. Read the CIS-CAT Documentation section;

  2. Start WinRM on the target system;

    • PS > winrm quickconfig

  3. Test the WinRM connection from the server to the target;

    • PS > Test-WSMan -computername <target_ip> -credential <name> -Authentication Negotiate


If the Test-WSMan connection fails with an error try the following commands in turn and then re-run Test-WSMan until you get a successful connection;


  1. Ensure that UAC remote restrictions have been disabled on the target machine. This command should return a value of 1. If it does not then please reference this section of the CIS-CAT Documentation

    • PS > Get-ItemPropertyValue HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System -Name LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy

  2. Add the target IP to the winrm trusted hosts on the server;

    • PS > Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value <target_ip>

  3. Allow unencrypted connections on the target machine;

    • CMD > winrm set winrm/config/service @{AllowUnencrypted="true"}

  4. Ensure that allow remote shell access is enabled on the target machine;

    • PS > Get-Item WSMan:\localhost\Shell\AllowRemoteShellAccess

  5. Turn off the firewall on the target machine;

    • CMD > netsh advfirewall set  currentprofile state off

Additional Information;

Understanding and troubleshooting WinRM connection and authentication

WinRM survival guide


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