What happened to the CentOS 8 Hardened Image? Is CentOS 8 End of Life or Obsolete?
Product Name
CIS CentOS Linux 8 Benchmark
Product Version
CentOS 8 vAll
Feb 16, 2024
The CIS CentOS 8 Hardened Image disappeared from the CSP marketplaces, and I no longer see updated CentOS 8 Benchmarks being updated, but CentOS7 still exists.
I would like to know if it is obsoleted or End of Life already and if so, what is your advice if we still need CentOS 8 as our ongoing application development?
We released our final version of the CentOS 8 Benchmark was released in January 2022 as CentOS 8 is now End of Life (EoL). CentOS 8 went EoL effective December 31st, 2021. This Final Release aligns with all Fedora 28 updates.
It was announced as being the final release for the CentOS 8 Benchmark in the CIS CentOS Linux Benchmarks WorkBench Community discussions. If you’re not already a member of the CentOS community please join to keep up to date with CentOS information.
The decision was made to EoL CentOS 8 because Red Hat announced that CentOS Linux 8, as a rebuild of RHEL 8, will end at 2021 as well as due to a change in the direction of IBM in their on-going support of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, with the development being moved to CentOS Stream. CentOS Stream continues after that EoL date for CentOS 8, serving as the upstream (development) branch of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. As such we are continuing development of RHEL, and a number of Linux upstream compatible Benchmarks are being released and refreshed.
If you still need CentOS our recommendation is to transition to a supported OS. Some options include AlmaLinux OS 8, Rocky Linux 8, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.
You can keep up with which Benchmarks have Hardened Images by visiting these sites for current:
CIS AWS offerings: CIS Hardened Images on Amazon Web Services (AWS)
CIS GCP offerings: CIS Hardened Images on Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
CIS Azure offerings: CIS Hardened Images on Microsoft Azure
You must be a member of the CIS CentOS Linux Benchmarks WorkBench Community in order to view Discussions.
Keywords; CentOS 7 CentOS 8 EoL
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