How are Hardened Images Charged - Image Builder

How are Hardened Images Charged - Image Builder

Product Name

CIS Hardened Images® (AWS)

Product Version



May 3, 2023



We are using the hardening component and the hardened AMI as source in our EC2 Image Builder pipelines, and then distributing this to other accounts.
How are AWS Marketplace CIS Hardened Images charged, and is that per account?
Will other accounts need to have a subscription to the Marketplace product first?



AWS Marketplace CIS Hardened Images are charged on a per-hour basis and the pricing information is available on the product page. The software charge is based on the hourly usage of the AMI and is billed to the AWS account that launched the instance.

If you are using the hardened AMI as a source in your EC2 Image Builder pipelines and then distributing it to other AWS accounts, those accounts will need to have a subscription to the Marketplace product in order to use the AMI. Each AWS account that uses the AMI will be billed separately for the hourly usage of the AMI.


The software charge for AWS Marketplace CIS Hardened Images is based on the hourly usage of the instance launched from the AMI, not on the AMI itself. So, if you launch two instances from the same AMI, you will be charged for the hourly usage of both instances separately.

Keywords; AWS Charge Cost

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Center for Internet Security®


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