Assessor will not advance past a certain point when run from a container image

Product Name

CIS-CAT Pro Assessor v4

Product Version



Dec 19, 2023


I use a container based on an image. After a while I get this message or the scan fails to advance past a certain point:
An error occurred creating the session for null@null:0. Ensure all session configuration information is correct.



While it is possible to run Assessor within a container based on an ubuntu image, CIS does not provide official support for doing so. For a successful Assessment, manual adjustments will need to be made by the user.


As an example, Ubuntu Containers are missing a number of default system commands and tools that Assessor needs to run. These elements can be installed manually after the container is running, but there's no comprehensive list which CIS has assembled. You can use the CIS-CAT Pro Assessor logs to help identify which elements may be missing and thus blocking Assessor from completing Assessments.

You can produce the logs as follows in order to work through and make manual adjustments to your container image:

  1. remove or rename existing log files from the Assessor\logs directory

    1. If there isn't a folder with that name, it's no problem, it will create it once you run CIS-CAT with increased logging.

  2. Add command option --info to the end of the full command [for CLI How to increase Logging via CLI] or select increased logging of WARN, ERROR, or INFO [in the GUI How to increase Logging in the GUI]

  3. Rerun a fresh scan

  4. open the Assessor-CLI.logfrom the \Assessor\logs directory using a notepad tool (Ex. notepad ++ which is free and works well for log files)

  5. Review what Assessor is attempting to do, why it is failing, and implement necessary changes until the scan is able to complete .

For information on how to produce INFO level logs, please review this Knowledge Base article: Diagnostic / debug information to troubleshoot CIS-CAT PRO Assessor v4 issues.

Keywords; Container CIS-CAT Pro Assessor CCPA

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