I forgot my username and password for my CIS CSAT PRO. How do I reset my password?

Product Name

CIS CSAT Pro (SecureSuite Controls Self Assessment Tool)

Product Version



Jun 25, 2021



I need help to reset the CSAT Pro password



  1. Access the machine where CSAT Pro is installed

  2. Open a web browser and type http://localhost:7474/browser/ to access to the database

  3. Enter your database credential and click connect:


    1. Note: DB Credential can be found in <install_dir>\conf\csat-config.yml in neo4j section.

    2. Note2: Default install directory in Windows is C:\Program Files\CSAT_Pro

  4. Copy the following query inside the top text area and click play:

    MERGE (n:User {username: 'admin'}) set n.password = '{bcrypt}$2a$15$y42Wdla235e.hEQqNh3am.Z.715IOq3Wxw6tMeAQOMKA3yb4dU4e6'



  5. Once executed, it should show the following message:
    Set 1 property, completed ...

  6. Log into CSAT tool with the following credential:
    login: admin
    password: @admin123


Keywords; neo4j csat pro password

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