CSAT Pro Safeguards preventing 100% assessment

CSAT Pro Safeguards preventing 100% assessment

Product Name

CIS CSAT Pro - SecureSuite CIS Controls Self Assessment Tool

Product Version



Nov 15, 2023


I’m receiving an “error during update” message and our CSAT Pro assessment should be 100%

This can occur when data from older versions of CSAT Pro (v1.11.0 or earlier) are used in newer versions of CSAT Pro as some Safeguards may be left in unintended states. For example, if you’re assessment is still not 100%, even after completing and validating all relevant safeguards, and some of your data is from older legacy versions of CSAT Pro, then you may need to complete the steps below:


To get the assessment Safeguards out of this invalid state, please perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Assessment Summary page

  2. Select the check boxes next to the Safeguards that are in the invalid state

  3. In the Bulk Action drop-down menu next to the Bulk Edit button, select the "Revert Validation" action

  4. Press the Bulk Edit button

  5. Note the results indicated by the banner showing the results of the action

  6. You should then be able to assign those Safeguards as desired

  7. You should then be able to move forward with the Complete action for those Safeguards

  8. You should then be able to move forward with the Validate action for those Safeguards

It is important to use the Bulk Action from the Assessment Summary page to try to Revert Validation, rather than the trying to individually revert them from the Safeguard View.

Keywords; CSAT Pro assessment Safeguards invalid update error validate

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