RHEL Subscription Manager

Product Name

CIS Hardened Images®

Product Version



Mar 23, 2022



Do the CIS RHEL images require a Red Hat Subscription for O/S patching and updates?



Subscriptions and licensing are specific to and controlled by the Cloud Service Provider. We recommend reaching out to the Cloud Service Provider’s support regarding how subscription-manager works with Red Hat Virtual machines.

The below documentation references testing completed on a CIS Azure Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 virtual machine as well as a base (non-CIS) Azure Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 virtual machine.

The output below is the same for both the CIS Azure Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 virtual machine as well as a base (non-CIS) Azure Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 virtual machine:

sudo subscription-manager status +-------------------------------------------+ System Status Details +-------------------------------------------+ Overall Status: Unknown System Purpose Status: Unknown WARNING The yum/dnf plugins: /etc/dnf/plugins/subscription-manager.conf were automatically enabled for the benefit of Red Hat Subscription Management. If not desired, use "subscription-manager config --rhsm.auto_enable_yum_plugins=0" to block this behavior.

The testing conducted by CIS affirms that subscription manager is not specific to the CIS HI or CIS system hardening. We recommend reaching out to the Cloud Service Provider’s support regarding how subscription manager works on RHEL VMs. Subscriptions and licensing are specific to and regulated by the Cloud Service Provider.


Keywords; subscription manager rhel

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