CIS Microsoft Intune for Windows 10 and Windows 11 Build Kits' Read Me

Product Name

CIS Build Kit

Product Version

CIS Microsoft Intune for Windows 10 and 11 Benchmarks


Feb 23, 2024



What is included in the new Microsoft Intune for Windows 10 and 11 Benchmark Build Kit ReadMe?



The purpose of CIS Microsoft Intune for Windows Benchmark Build Kit ReadMe is to describe the components of the CIS Microsoft Intune for Windows Build Kit and provide instructions on how to implement it. Build Kits are designed to cover most of the benchmark recommended settings. These JSON files can be modified in alignment with organizational defined policies.

Inside each Build Kit are folders containing JSON files and each file contains a set of recommendations from the benchmark. A separate file (BuildKitRecommendationBreakout_Windows_OSVersion) detailing which setting is contained in each JSON is located within the root of the Build Kit folder. The Build Kit also contains a folder with scripts to configure Section 69, System services.

Please note that reviewing the content within the corresponding Benchmark PDF or Word document is imperative for an overall successful application of the Build Kit. Some settings may need an exception due to unique operational requirements.

Keywords; read me Intune Windows 10 Windows 11 Build Kit resources

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